WISDP Divisions

Corporate Social ResponsibilityChairDr Shirley YeungDBA (CityU Macao), Member, UNPRME Working Group on Sustainability Mindset
Co-chairDr Meshkan Mohammed Al-AwarDirector, Research & Studies Centre, Dubai Police Academy, Dubai
MemberDr Nirja MattooChairperson, Center for Development of Corporate Citizenship (DoCC), India
MemberMatej MichalkoFounder, CEO, DC DECENT, London
MemberMilenko GudićFounding Director, REFOMENT Consulting and Coaching, Serbia
MemberJessica YingPostgraduate Student, Architecture
University of Toronto
Overseas Ambassador, Canada
MemberEmma LinHarvard University Overseas Ambassador, US
Early Childhood EducationMemberEdith YL LeungMech (Maquarie)
MemberDennis SK YeungMphil (EDUHK)
Education for Sustainable DevelopmentChairProfessor Gerald PostiglionePhD (SUNNY ALBANY)
MemberDennis SK YeungMphil (EDUHK)
Healthy Society & Health EducationChairProfessor Albert LeeMB, BS (London), MPH (CUHK), FRCS (London & Ireland)
Sustainability & Environmental ManagementChairProfessor Peter R HillsPhD (Aston), Hon MHKIP
Sustainable Business & ManagementChairDr Shirley YeungDBA (CityU Macao), Member, UNPRME Working Group on Sustainability Mindset
Co-chairBernard Lee  Road Logica / Tecent Techncial Advisor        
MemberAbbie ChanPo Leung Kuk Chair/ CEO, Squnia
MemberKeith YeungPagoda Printing
MemberAngel TamJCI, National Executive VP/ CEO of Wedding Business
Sustainable Financing & InvestmentChairProfessor David WK YeungDr h c (St. Petersburg), Co-director, Centre of Game Theory at Saint Petersburg State University
MemberRonald MokMBA (CUHK)
MemberDr Jacob WaiDBA (Wales TSD), FRM, CMA, MHKCS
Sustainable Hospitality & TourismChairProfessor CL JenkinsPhD (Strathclyde)
MemberAlison LY YauMSc (HKPU), CMA
Sustainable WellnessChairProfessor Frank HK FuMH, JP, DPE (Springfield), International Fellow of the National Academy of Kinesiology, USA
MemberProfessor Lena FungPhD (UBC)
MemberDr Yvonne YuenPhD (HKU)
Sustainability in EngineeringCo-chairHon Prof Dr Samson CW MaDSc (Azetca), FCMC, CMC-AF, FBCS, FIFC, FinstLM
MemberDr Pat CheungDMgt(A)(IMC), DMgt (SCU)
MemberDr Aaron WK TongDMgt (SCU), CEng
MemberDr Tommy CM HoPhD, PgCert, HonFHKEnv, HonFSEE, CEnv, FCABE, CBuildE, FAIB
Sustainable Development in Sports/Leisure and Cultural ManagementChairRonnie MC WongMH, JP, Hon Secretary General, Sports Federation & Olympic Committee 
Co-chairPang ChungSBS, Hon Secretary General, Sports Federation & Olympic Committee (1993 – 2015)
Criminal Justice & Public OrderCo-chairAnne CarverMA (Cantab), Solicitor of the Supreme Court of England and Wales, Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Hong Kong
MemberBronwyn Lee DaviesMBA (Macquarie)
Lifelong EducationChairDr John CribbinEdD (Nottingham), Chairman, Cricket Hong Kong
MemberHon Prof Dr Samson CW MaDSc (Azetca), FCMC, CMC-AF, FBCS, FIFC, FinstLM
MemberDr Jason KY ChanJP, EdD (Bristol), Member, Property Management Authority Services, HK China
Sustainability in  InsuranceChairChristina LeungPresident, AWAHK (2015-16), CPA, FCCA, CTA(HK), AICS, ACS, BA (Hons) Accounting
Co-chair Johnson WongChairman, CMF, Ex-President, GAMAHK, Council Member, LUAHK, BA (Psychology), MBA, RFC, PFP,ChFC, FChFP, FHKCIP, FCAMA
MemberDr Sandy KL ChowDMgt(SCU), MBA

Advocacy Divisions

Gender EqualityCo-chairDr Shirley YeungDBA (CityU Macao), Member, UNPRME Working Group on Sustainability Mindset
MemberNazrin BaghirovaChief Policy Advisor, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Olympic ConnectChairRonnie MC WongMH, JP, Hon Secretary General, Sports Federation & Olympic Committee
Co-chairPang ChungSBS, Hon Secretary General, Sports Federation & Olympic Committee (1993 - 2015)