COP29 Express News Series (7): Hiesd and WISDP’s team participated in the “Networking Meeting with Delegates from Hong Kong attending COP29” organised by the Hong Kong Environment and Ecology Bureau
COP29 Express News Series (7): Hiesd and WISDP’s team participated in the “Networking Meeting with Delegates from Hong Kong attending COP29” organised by the Hong Kong Environment and Ecology Bureau
The 29th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29) is approaching its end. Looking back on the COP29 journey of the Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development and the World Institute of Sustainable Development Planners, one of the key highlights was the networking meeting with representatives from the Hong Kong government, organisations, industry professionals, and youths who were at the COP29.
The networking meeting was organised by the Hong Kong Environment and Ecology Bureau on the morning of November 14, 2024. Mr. Tse Chin-wan, BBS, JP, Secretary for Environment and Ecology of the HKSARG, hosted the session and delivered a welcoming remark. Mr. Tse said that he was pleased that the number of Hong Kong organisations and representatives participating in the Climate Change Conference had doubled in comparison to last year. He believes that carbon neutrality is a common global goal, and the entire world must be ready for the low-carbon green transformation in the future. Hong Kong has the support of its motherland’s advanced green and low-carbon technologies and products, while being connected to global platforms. We have unique advantages as an international financial centre, with high-quality professional services and legal system. Different sectors and industries can strengthen collaboration with the government to seize low-carbon green transformation that brings huge opportunities.

The World Institute of Sustainable Development Planners and the Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development participated in this networking event. The attendees included: Prof. Karen Cheung, Director of the Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development, President of the World Institute of Sustainable Development Planners; Ir. Ho Chi-Shing, Chairman of the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency and General Manager of the Building Environmental Assessment Method (BEAM) Society Limited; Mr. Ting Kwok-To, Chief Operating Officer of the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency; and Ms. Chen Sze Wa Americana, Youth Affairs Coordinator of the UNESCO Hong Kong Association.
We invited guests from different organisations to join our side event on the theme of “Tell the Story of China’s Response to Climate Change and Create New Advantages in Addressing Climate Change with New Quality Productivity,” held at the China Pavilion on the afternoon of November 14th, and support the publication of the “Sustainable Development Innovation & Technology Solutions Report” at the side event.